I2C Shield for Adafruit Huzzah ESP8266 Integrated USB and I2C Port
- Interface the Adafruit ESP8266 to the NCD I2C Product Line
- Integrated I2C Expansion Port
- USB Connector for Power and ESP8266 Programming
- Uses I2C Pins 2 (SDA) and 14 (SCL)
- Integrated FT232RL USB to Virtual COM Port
This ESP8266 host adapter was designed specifically for the Adafruit Huzzah version of the ESP8266, allowing I2C interface to our entire NCD product line.
Integrated USB port supplies power and programming to the ESP8266.
The ESP8266 is an incredible platform for IoT application development. The ESP8266 provides a mature platform for monitoring and control applications using the Arduino Wire Language and the Arduino IDE.
The Adafruit ESP8266 is available from www.adafruit.com.
RevA I2C connections are 2,14( Use Wire.begin(2,14); //to configure I2C)

nodeLynk™ Master Adapter
This is a nodeLynk Master adapter. nodeLynk Master adapters speak to a chain of nodeLynk devices using I2C communications.
What is nodeLynk?
Chain expansion devices using nodeLynk. Connect a wide variety of accessories to expand the capabilities of a nodeLynk compatible controller. Use nodeLynk to add Relay Controllers, Sensors, PWM Drivers, Displays, and a wide variety of 4-20mA, 0-10V ADCs and DACs, as well as a wide array of TTL & Isolated GPIO devices. All nodeLynk devices use I2C communications to chain devices together. nodeLynk is an easy way to expand functionality without soldering. nodeLynk allows expansion in seconds so you can focus on your software and firmware development.

Mechanical Drawing
Wiring Diagrams
This device provides a I2C Output, which may be connected to the I2C Input of any of our I2C Devices and Sensors.
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