900MHz (North America) Long-Range Wireless Mesh XBee-Pro® U.FL Communications Module C1D2

Please note that images above may contain product not included with purchase.


  • Superior LOS range of up to 28 miles with high-gain antenna
  • U.FL Connector Version with Pig Tail
  • Simplified AT command set and advanced XBee API
  • Over-the-air firmware updates
  • Software-selectable channel mask for interference immunity
  • Advanced sleep modes: sleeping routers, pin sleep, cyclic sleep
  • For use in North America (United States, Canada, Mexico)

Please note that images above may contain product not included with purchase.
Photos may not show the latest version of product currently in production.

SKU: XBP9B-DMUT-002-1 UPC: Country of Origin: US HTS Code: 854231